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Most people think that cosmetic dentistry is only about making your teeth bigger and whiter. That is not the case. Just like cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry has the ability to transform your teeth and help you give a confident smile. For those who don’t know the wide scope of cosmetic dentistry, here are some of the things that you should note:

1. There are multiple options

Once you get in touch with a cosmetic dentist Los Angeles professional, you can discuss the various options that are available in the cosmetic dentistry field. Some of the common options are dental implants for multiple or single tooth replacement, teeth whitening, composite bonding, porcelain fillings, dental veneers, and so on. Most of the treatments are customizable to get that desired smile that you so eagerly want.

2. It is not painful

Whenever you decide to go to the dentist, you feel that with the tools and machines in hand, the dentist will turn into a serial killer and the process will be painstakingly long. That is not true. If you consult with a cosmetic dentist Los Angeles expert, he/she will tell you the entire process and honestly, it is not painful at all. You should let go of your dental phobia and visit the cosmetic dentist if you want to get a brighter smile.

3. Treatments are minimally invasive

Cosmetic dentistry does not involve a lot of complicated procedures. The treatments are mostly minimally invasive and it can be as little as removing the tooth enamel to give a better smile. What’s more, most of the procedures involve minimal downtime so you can go straight back to work right after leaving the dentist’s office.

So, if you think that cosmetic dentistry will be too expensive or too complicated, give it a chance and consult with the dentist first. You will understand how easy the process is and the mind-blowing after-effects.


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Periodontist, periodontics, periodontists for good health,
Periodontists are important to maintain good oral hygiene and are key to healthy gums and connective tissue.









Periodontist? Why Periodontics is Important & how it can Help Steer your Gums from Periodontal Disease:

Periodontist? Is that a dentist?

Probably something you heard while you had your braces taken off… or perhaps after that last dental clinic visit…?

While it most likely isn’t at the top of you radar,  it may be a dental term that you’ll want to add to your repertoire.

According to dentists and dental surgeons worldwide, a good periodontist can be the difference between good overall health and consistently searching the internet for ‘dentist near me’…

Have your attention, yet?

Below we outline 5 ways Periodontists can benefit you and help to retain your oral health.

Don’t worry, we’ll start with the basics –

1. What is a Periodontist? What is Periodontics?

So, what exactly is Periodontics? And more specifically – what exactly is a Periodontist?

According to perio.org, A Periodontist “… is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in the placement of dental implants…”.

Inversely, the study of periodontics itself would be described as “…the dental specialty focusing exclusively in the inflammatory disease that destroys the gums and other supporting

structures around the teeth…” via mouthhealthy.org.

Most importantly, while these periodontists are capable of saving and diagnosing treatments, helping patients with mouth pain and fixing oral issues, their most essential objective lies in treating

and diagnosing Periodontal disease. As specialists in Periodontal disease, a large majority also specialize in cosmetic periodontal procedures.

2. Why do I need a Periodontist and How to Avoid Tooth Pain?

Sore gums? tooth infection? inflammation in the mouth?

Interestingly enough, Periodontists are notorious for treating periodontal disease but they also play an important role in oral inflammation.

That’s right! They’re actually dental specialists in the field of mouth inflammation and experts when it comes to inflammation of the gums, teeth, etc. etc.

So next time you’re experiencing gum pain, give a call to the periodontist near you and allow him to treat your tooth pain!

It’s important to add that General Dentists and Periodontists generally work side by side and work as one to help diagnose tooth pain and oral diseases.

3. How Periodontists can help Prevent Periodontal Disease?

Periodontitis, also called gum disease, are both classified under the same roof and are names of the commonly heard “periodontal disease”.

Periodontal disease is a disease that effects the tooth structure and gum structure due to an underlying bacterial infection present in the mouth.

If left untreated, Periodontal disease can result in tooth loss as it slowly destroys the tissue around the area.

So, how can Periodontists fix the problem, or prevent it, before it happens?

Well, its important to understand that the beginning stages of gum infection and the differences between Periodontal disease and Gingivitis.

While Gingivitis is the infection and inflammation of the gums; Periodontal Disease is the actual disease portion where the gums become chronically inflamed and infected.

In the early stages of Gingivitis, bacteria present in the gums causes bleeding and inflammation during regular teeth brushing.

At this stage, the gums are still intact and there is no presence of gum degradation, bone loss or tooth decay.

As it progresses to Periodontal disease, the bacteria in the gums become increasingly present and cause the body’s immune system to react.

During this phase, the underlying bacteria cause the gums to recede and pull back resulting in more infection, all the while the immune system continues to attack the gum region as the bacteria

release toxins and other poisons into the gums.

In turn, this causes the breakdown of the gums, teeth and connective tissue throughout the mouth.

If you’d like to read more on this topic, there is a great article written here: https://www.webmd.com/oral-health


4. How Periodontists Assist with other Dentists’ Work to Help Retain Gum Health and Prevent Oral Disease:

Dentists provide the framework for generalized dental needs that include teeth cleanings, deep cleanings, x-rays, and consultations. While in most cases they also provide implants, veneers, braces

and invisalign – dentists are more a generalized doctor and may not specialize in one specific dental area. For example, a dentist will do your deep cleaning and possible do the surgical means of

installing a dental implant but if that same patient comes back with gum pain and hints at gum disease 6 months later, it won’t be the dentist that they’ll see, it will be the gum specialist – the

periodontist. As you can see, both doctors work hand-in-hand when it comes to dental work. While the dentist is specialized in a wide range of general dentistry, the periodontists are specialized in

the gum regions and are trained to help fix gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease, generalized tooth pain & gum pain. Likewise, in the instance that a patient comes in the door with tooth

pain and gum pain, it will be both the dentist and the periodontist checking on them. Additionally, in the instance that a patient has pain their teeth and needs to have a tooth pulled and replaced

with a dental implant and/or all on four denture, the dentist and the periodontitis will most likely work hand in hand as they are both specialists in dental implants, placing dental implants and for

the periodontist, specialist in the gum tissue and connective tissue surrounding the teeth which is essential when placing a dental implant to ensure there is no significant bone loss or gum

recession present or that will occur in the future. In fact, checking of the gums is one of the most pivotal steps as the the gums’ health will determine the placing of the dental implant.


5. How to find a Periodontist Near you:

So, you have oral inflammation, your gums hurt, you have tooth pain and you really need to find a periodontist near you… What do you do?

Well, instead of searching all over the internet, a great place to start would be at yes.dental

Dr. Arash Hakhamian is a master of dentistry and has a full team of dental surgeons and dental specialists working under him. In fact, he has not one periodontist, but two periodontists on staff to

assist you and prevent oral gum disease such as gingivitis from getting worse.

If you live in the Los Angeles region and need to find a periodontist near you, a great place to start is at Yes Dental Centers in Downtown Los Angeles.

You can book an appointment directly by clicking this link here: https://yes.dental/appointments/

Otherwise, a great place to go is yelp.com where you can search dentist near me or more specifically periondontist near me to find periodontists in the area that accept your dental insurance that

have open availability to see you in their office and fix your gum disease before it gets worse.

If you have any other questions regarding gingivitis, periodontal disease, or finding a periodontist near you, you can reach out to our staff and we’ll be glad to assist you (310) 564 – 2376.

Or, you can click on this link to contact us directly: https://yes.dental/contact-us/

You can also find more information on our website and read more about periodontics and the important role of periodontists here: https://yes.dental/procedures/






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As one of the best dentists Los Angeles, we take the oral health of our patients very seriously. In our quest to create beautiful smiles, we strive to adhere to the highest standards while making nervous patients feel comfortable and safe. When you trust your oral healthcare to us, you will receive comprehensive care from our highly experienced dentists and well trained dental practitioners specifically tailored to your personal expectations and preferences.

Sedation Treatment by the Best Dentist Los Angeles

Dental treatment

One of the biggest obstacles faced by dentists is patient fear.  Studies have shown that sedation leads to the relaxation that diminishes anxiety associated with dental treatment, allowing for more comfort and faster treatment. Efficiency in care includes making our patients as comfortable as possible with sedation – so when you book a dental appointment with us you can be sure that you will experience very little discomfort.

Our comprehensive selection of dental services and treatment options include the best in dental crowns and bridges, teeth whitening, laser dentistry, and porcelain veneers to give you a smile you can show off with confidence. Dental implants are a cosmetic dentistry marvel that can restore cracked, chipped, and broken teeth to their original beauty.

With our world-class team of professional dental experts, we strive to surpass the ordinary with our passion for amazing smiles and gentle, pain-free dentistry. For this reason, at Best Dentist Los Angeles we constantly update our practice with the latest state-of-the-art technologies and equipment for diagnostic and restorative treatment to ensure that our patients are offered the best options available.

Procedures and Treatments

The latest same-day restorations are designed to make your dental treatments incredibly convenient. As gum health is extremely important, we use laser periodontal treatments to manage a healthy mouth.

In order to offer you the highest extent of dental care, our treatments include the following:

–    Routine examinations and cleaning to maintain good oral health

–    General fillings for cavities

–    Teeth whitening

–    Porcelain veneers

–    Invisalign? the latest in braces technology

–    Sedation dentistry for optimal comfort

–    Crowns and bridges

–    Gum disease control

–    Root canal treatment

In order to achieve the best results for your oral and cosmetic dentistry needs, we encourage you to ask any questions to the best dentist Los Angeles and discuss any concerns you may have about a particular treatment with our friendly and dedicated staff. In this way, we will be confident that you are able to make the most educated decisions regarding your personal dental care.

We look forward to being your dentist of choice and promise to deliver the best dental service and comfort that will far exceed your normal level of expectations thus far.

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Advancing the technologies for Orthodontics

The benefits of having the advance orthodontics technologies. Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

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Telehealth programs and other technology are better connecting patients with physicians and specialist.

When you hear or read the phrase telehealth, it can mean a lot of different things to both patients and physicians. Simply put, telehealth is taking care of a patient over a distance with the use of technology. Telehealth can be a home monitoring device that transmits your blood sugar levels to a doctor a hundred miles away. Or, it could be a video conference with a specialist. Typically, when people use the term they mean video conferencing. The primary functions of telehealth are to increase access of health care for patients who need it and to create efficiency of care for physicians and providers.

James McElligott, M.D., is a board-certified pediatrician and the medical director of the Center for Telehealth at the Medical University of South Carolina. He received his doctorate from Wake Forest University.

How it works

Right now, there are approximately 200 telehealth networks across the country. Typically, these are in-office telehealth visits where a patient goes to a physician’s office and has a video conference with another specialist. For patients to participate in telehealth, they register at their local family practice office and are placed in an examination room. But instead of a doctor coming in to see the patient, there’s a video conferencing screen and a doctor talking to the patient through video. There may be devices in the room where the doctor can listen to the heart and lungs, look at the throat, look in the ears or look closely at skin lesions. There may also be a nurse in the room and they might be holding the devices, helping the patient understand the process and performing part of the exam.

Rules and regulations

Regulatory boards are very cautious when it comes to things like telehealth. The boards want to ensure situations like misdiagnosis and over-prescribing of pain medications and antibiotics don’t increase because of this new service. Every telehealth program should address these concerns by understanding what you can or can’t do to maintain the standard of care. One challenge is that the high satisfaction and benefits of improved access leads to rapid adoption of telehealth, but this must be balanced with a commitment to maintain the good practice of medicine no matter how it is delivered. What you start facing is the real question of what is needed to take care of a population. In truth, telehealth is actually more centered around the patient rather than the doctor as opposed to traditional care. Although it sounds futuristic, it’s actually easy to compare telehealth to the old days of house calls by the doctor with a little black bag because it adapts more to the family’s routine.

Telehealth is not really about video conferencing, emails or forms. It’s about better communication between physicians and patients.

I believe the regulatory agencies will realize the benefits of telehealth when it becomes considered an extension of the traditional approach rather than a replacement. We are in a critical time where we must be proactive in demonstrating that telehealth can be used safely if it is developed wisely. Our first focus should be on studying unintentional outcomes of this unprecedented access to care so that we can remain true to the first thing you learn in medical school: Do no harm. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done to validate telehealth, but this way of doing things is opening medical professionals’ eyes to the fact that telehealth is a patient-centered approach to medicine.

Telehealth is not really about video conferencing, emails or forms. It’s about better communication between physicians and patients and creating a more efficient system for using all of our resources. In South Carolina, we have the capabilities to do full examinations through telehealth. The best model for the telehealth service would have all the same resources and examination components of an in-person examination, very similar to the traditional standard of care.

We’re trying to incorporate all these elements in telehealth and find the appropriate places to use them. As the technology advances, it may get the point where your smartphone is the standard device for some types of telehealth. There are always going to be safeguards to protect the patients and physicians. Once those have been firmly established, and the risks associated with telehealth are no greater than the risks associated with any other service, we’ll have a more efficient system that serves everyone.

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And for the second year in a row, dentist also ranked No. 1 overall on the “Best Health Care Jobs” list. U.S. News picked the “Top 100 Jobs” of the year based on predicted growth between 2012 and 2022 developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The top jobs, which included the business, creative, construction, health care, social services and technology professions, were then ranked by growth rate, salary, employment rate, future job prospects, stress level and work-life balance. U.S. News identified the following four reasons for choosing dentist as No. 1:

  • A low unemployment rate
  • A decent work-life balance
  • A good salary
  • A predicted “employment growth of nearly 16 percent between 2012 and 2022, with more than 23,000 new openings.

To view the entire breakdown for the dentist category, visit usnews.com.

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